Author: Jose Diaz


Analog Adventures: Lucid

Raveena Lucid (2019) About the Artist Raveena comes from an immigrant family. Like most children of immigrants, she finds a way to incorporate the old with the new. She maintains artistic control over just...

Mix Tape 0

Monthly Mixtape: March

It’s the End of the World as We Know It Animal Crossing inspired j-card This months tape follows a central theme of destruction per a readers request. Destruction and apocalyptic themes are often in...


Analog Adventures: Riki

Riki Riki (2020) About the Artist In an age in which artists and musicians are encouraged to engage with fans directly, it is refreshing to come across one that envelopes themselves in a shroud...


Monthly Mixtape: February Redux

What is Cassette Culture? While Spotify playlists have long lay claim to the thrown of personal musical expression, there is something special about the humble mixtape. The hardy plastic encases hand picked songs that...


Analog Adventures: Hounds of Love

Kate Bush Hounds of Love (1985) About the Artist Kate Bush is a pop music pioneer. She grew up playing music and the love for writing never waned. Her demo tape made the rounds...