Who Wins “Hey Baby” Title Title ?
 In this round of Title Title, the song “Hey Baby” faces off. Will the 1962 US Billboard Hot 100 #1 hit by Bruce Channel take the cake? Or is it the 1989 Henry...
 In this round of Title Title, the song “Hey Baby” faces off. Will the 1962 US Billboard Hot 100 #1 hit by Bruce Channel take the cake? Or is it the 1989 Henry...
This week’s Birthday of the Week had a lot of worthy contenders with milestone birthdays, including Mike Post, Halsey, T-Pain, and Lindsey Buckingham, among others. In the end, though it seemed most appropriate to...
In this round of Title Title, the battle is between Jon Bon Jovi and Gwen Stefani. In 2009, No Doubt released a remake of the 1984 hit by Talk Talk “It’s My Life”. In...
British band Talk Talk’s song “It’s My Life” has become so prominent over the past three decades that people may find surprising how well it did — or, more to the point, didn’t do...