Tagged: Jimmy Fallon


Working Remotely – BTS “Dynamite”

During the pandemic, numerous bands continue to jam together! Many are not only practicing together, but they are writing new music. In today’s music focus, listen to BTS perform “Dynamite” live with Jimmy Fallon...


DEF: U2 “Desire”

Last week, host of The Tonight Show Jimmy Fallon performed an impression of U2 lead singer Bono alongside the show’s band, the Roots. Fallon and the Roots performed the song “Desire” to fill in when...


All I Want For Christmas Is Jimmy Falllon?

Jimmy Fallon and The Roots are at it again creating a stripped down version of “All I Want For Christmas Is You”. Would the song be complete without the vocals of Mariah Carey? Do...


Call Me Maybe High School Band Edition

Matt Smith posted this one the other day. I thought Jimmy Fallon, The Roots and Carly Raye Jepson did a nice rendition of her song “Call Me Maybe” on high school instruments. Do you...